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If a Doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.
-John Kennell 

Tiny Feet

The Swallow Nest Doula 

Surrey, Hampshire &
West Sussex Doula

Wedding Embrace

Meet Katie

Hello, My name is Katie Swallow

I am a prenatal, labour & postnatal doula in the Surrey & Hampshire area.

I'm incredibly passionate in helping women and families.

For as long as I can remember I have had a great interest in pregnancy, birth and beyond and this interest has continued to develop into a passion the older I have become.

I have 2 wonderful children a little boy of 4 and a 8-year old daughter, I had two very different experiences with both pregnancy and labours, but both had the very same outcome, the arrival of a happy and healthy baby. 





Katie is an AMAZING doula and we formed an instant bond in the very first meeting. I knew I wanted her to help me in my post natal weeks. I was suffering with anxiety and constantly worrying if I was doing a good enough job as a first time mum. She was a huge support to me, reassuring me, teaching me to be a confident and intuitive parent. My son was constantly being sick during and after feeding and I suspected reflux but felt I was not being heard by my doctor and health visitor, Katie reassured me to trust my instinct and get the appropriate treatment to help with his feeding. I did and his reflux is 100 times better. Without Katie’s experience and backing I don’t feel I would have had the confidence to persevere with medical help for him.

I loved our chats, no judgment, not always about babies it was like we were old friends. Just what I needed at times!

She was brilliant with my baby and would “roll her sleeves up” as soon as she got to the house playing with him, feeding him, take him out for walks and calming him so I could relax, take a bath, nip to the shops or just get on with some jobs around the house.

I couldn't have been more blessed to have crossed paths with her. This is by far the best decision I made. If only I knew about her before and would have had her around for my pregnancy and birth.

There is always a baby number two though, hey Katie!

Thanks a million.


                                                 Kelly Surrey 

Baby Clothing

Katie was a rock to me and my now four year old daughter, pre-birth and beyond.  Katie is both a Mum and Baby natural expert,  intuitive, warm, compassionate, intelligent and has endless wisdom and a unique and loving energy that is really inspiring and uplifting to a new Mum, and pre baby Mum, which is priceless, particularly when you are on your knees for one of many reasons.  Katie has an innate skill of being able to relate instantly to new Mums, pre birth and beyond, and is vastly aware of, and armed with, experience of mental health challenges faced by new Mums, pre and post birth. Technically, Katie knows off-by-heart how to help a baby feed, develop and how a new Mum can best look after herself. Katie instils a sense of calm and confidence in your abilities as a new Mum and can read the bond between Mum and Baby and puts her finger on the route cause of any challenges either are facing, and knows the solution.  I wish I had been able to have Katie at my birth and if I were to have children again it would only be with the caveat that Katie could be there before, during and after!  Katie helped me survive, and enjoy, the early years of Motherhood and I am so pleased that she continues to support and inspire many new Mums
Fiona Guildford 

Baby Clothing
katie doula 2.jpg

I had Katie at the birth of my second daughter. She's been a friend of mine for a few years now and even though she's my best friend, there was another reason I needed her at my birth. She has a natural endearing aura about her. She was caring and supportive during my pregnancy, informed me of things I didn't know during my first pregnancy and it was lovely to have someone to confide in. During my (long drawn out) labour and birth, she was calm, collected and supportive, not just to me but my husband to. She genuinely wanted to be there for both of us. Her presence during the birth was incredible, she added humour and love, and she cradled me while I contracted when my husband was getting a little over whelmed.

I'd asked Katie to video the birth, which she did, and when Ruby finally made her appearance, katie was polite and quiet, and stepped back to let my husband and I have our moment with our precious newborn.

In the weeks that followed, Katie was there for me, and my baby and helped us through some very challenging times and understood and supported every choice I made.

If I were having more babies, I'd opt to have Katie there without a doubt. She genuinely loves people and loves babies and wants us women to feel empowered by our baby journeys.

So if your pregnant, and would like someone there for you, to understand you, to make you feel dignified, to calm you and to support you, Katie is no doubt, your girl




                                            Lottie West Sussex


Doula review 
When we found out we were having twins as well as already having a toddler we knew we were going to need some help. People had previously told me how good doulas are and how much they help. When Katie came round to introduce herself and chat through what we were looking for in a doula it was like a friend was round for a chat and a cup of tea, it was very relaxed. Katie was already telling me to put my feet up and rest the first time we met. After I had the twins and was home it was tough trying to look after two very tiny babies. When Katie came round she always seemed to calm me down and just got stuck in, she never asked can I do this or that she just got on with it. She picked the babies up when they needed feeding, winding, cuddles, nappy change etc… she just got on with it. Every week she came round I looked forward to it, it was just like I had a had a close friend coming round to help and have a good chat with. I would highly recommend Katie to any mum. 



                                                   Jennifer Surrey 

Tiny Hand

Katie came to help me after the birth of my son and has been incredible.

Helping with breastfeeding and my confidence with this, to just generally providing help, advice and guidance with my son, Katie has been amazing.

My son absolutely adores Katie, showing a smile every time Katie visits us, and has been an incredible help to me.

After an less than ideal birth, followed by a bad experience post natally from the NHS, Katie has helped me so much with building up my confidence and helping me to enjoy motherhood.

I would hugely recommend Katie if you're looking for someone to help. She is incredible with babies, warm and affectionate from the minute you meet, and feels like old friend the moment she steps through your door.





                                   Rachel Guildford 

Image by Jerry Wang

We found katie through Doula UK and definitely made the right choice in booking her. We went for Katie’s 20 hour package for after the birth of our second child. Having family in another country, Katie’s help was invaluable to us.

Like other people have said, Katie never had to be asked to do anything. From the minute she arrived she just got stuck in. My son adored her and having her dress him and doing 1:1 time with him in the mornings when I had to feed was such a great help.

Katie really was like a friend from the minute she arrived, and we looked forward to her coming very week. We could not recommend her enough! Thank you so much for everything Katie



                             Regina Hampshire 

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